[뉴스] [Universes in Universe] Gwangju Folly II
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작성일 21-01-19 16:28
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해외미술전문사이트 UIU에 광주폴리II가 소개되었습니다.
각 작품별로 멋진 사진과 설명이 함께 실렸네요^^
Throughout history, follies have been used widely in architecture, visual arts, and literature as a provocation, a frivolous diversion or strategic place of madness and satire freed from the constraints of societal norms. Follies have been employed as a critical medium or object, oscillating between aesthetic autonomy and social-political potential and situated in a field between decontextualized status and contextualized condition.
Previously conceived of and presented as an integral part of the 4th Gwangju Design Biennale in 2011 by Artistic Directors Seung H-Sang and Ai Weiwei, the second edition of the Gwangju Folly project is held as an independent event with a series of new Follies in the urban space of Gwangju.
Nikolaus Hirsch (director), Philipp Misselwitz and Eui Young Chun (curators) have developed a curatorial approach for Gwangju Folly II, which uses the ambiguities of a Folly as a tool of inquiry to address the expectations of public space. The transformative potential of public space has been etched into public consciousness ever since the ten-day pro-democracy uprising in May 1980, which took place in the streets and squares of Gwangju. Revisiting some of these historic sites, a series of newly commissioned Follies seek to test the constitution and potential of public space today—in contemporary Gwangju as well as in the global political arena.
>> see the curatorial concept
Gwangju Folly II commissioned new works from the following architects, artists, collectives, and writers:
David Adjaye & Taiye Selasi
Ai Weiwei
Seok Hong Go & Mihee Kim
Rem Koolhaas & Ingo Niermann
Raqs Media Collective
Do-Ho Suh
Eyal Weizman
Graphic Design:
Markus Weisbeck / Surface
(From press information)
Organizer – Gwangju Folly II:
The Gwangju Biennale Foundation
111 Biennale-ro, Buk-gu
Gwangju, 500-845
Tel.: +82(0)62 608 4114
Fax: +82(0)62 608 4219
Email: biennale@gwangjubiennale.org
Website: www.gwangjubiennale.org
Folly Project contact:
Special Project Department
Gwangju Biennale Foundation
Media contact:
Jisu Cook
International Relations and Communications Manager
Gwangju Biennale Foundation
Phone: +82 (0) 62 608 4223 / Fax +82 (0) 62 608 4229
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