Power Toilets / UNESCO > 폴리2작품소개(영문)

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Folly II

Power Toilets / UNESCO

광주 남구 구동 32-1 광주공원 개방화장실


Danish artist group Superflex’s Power Toilets address the inclusion of Gwangju into the UNESCO Memory of the World Register. Superflex have replaced a run-down public toilet in Gwangju with a new toilet which – in its interior – is an exact copy of the exclusive toilet used by the Executive Board of the UNESCO headquarters in Paris. While maintaining the semblance of a normal public toilet, the structure also engages its users in questioning the relationship between original and copy, exclusivity and inclusivity, and, ultimately, the infrastructures of power and everyday uses.

˙Power Toilets / UNESCO is designed in close collaboration with NEZU AYMO architects.





