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투표(영문) 글쓰기

개인정보 수집 및 이용 안내
Personal information collection items Name, contact information, email
Purpose of collection and use of personal information Proposing voting questions and contacting you for results, etc.
Personal information retention and use period 1 year after voting ends
Whether to agree to provision of personal information You must agree to provide personal information to propose a ballot question
Personal Information Manager Jeon Jaewon, Gwangju Folly Department, Gwangju Biennale Foundation
Personal Information Contact Information Tel : 062-608-4265, E-mail : gjfolly@gwangjubiennale.org
  • Gwangju Biennale does not use personal information for purposes other than those agreed upon by the personal information provider, and if you wish to refuse the use of the provided personal information, you may request viewing, correction, or deletion through the personal information manager.

  • If you propose a voting question, a vote will be held through a selection process. When voting ends, the voting results will be posted on the bulletin board.
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Vote Title
웹에디터 시작 웹 에디터 끝
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